Saturday, February 4, 2012

Back to Basics

I didn't plan to wait so long between posts: but life has a habit of getting in the way. I used to dismiss 'writer's block' as an excuse for just not being motivated, but now that I've experienced it and am experiencing it, no more of that talk. It's another lesson in being non-judgmental and letting one's stupid ego think it is in charge.

In my cyber travels, I wear many hats: IT trainer, help desk and troubleshooter, Adviser to the lovelorn, and EMT. I've had all of those hats on recently. I also have been asking myself: 'why do you blog?'

It's not just about my crazy experiences or my roller coaster romances or romps in the hay. It's also a chance for me to review where I've tripped, stumbled, and more often, fell flat on my face.

Managing addictions aren't easy: whether that addiction is alcohol, gambling, overeating, substance abuse, or an addiction to 12-step meetings. At one time, I thought everyone who called for help was really seeking a way out. I nearly destroyed myself trying to help them, before slapping myself in the head and going 'You can't help anyone if you don't help yourself first.' I don't necessarily like being hard-assed but circumstances have sort of moved me to a different attitude.

(but in my case, the line would be 'DON'T take me down with you'

Here's a few statements that worked for me that I needed to remind myself about:

-Each day is a chance to start anew. Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is not guaranteed.

-Don't buy into the media hype on your addiction. It's effect on you is unique to your own system. Avoid reading 'worst case scenarios'. Likewise, don't buy into the myth that everything is fine and dandy.

-Only you can manage your addiction. There are many tools and organizations available, but when the night falls, you are left with you. And 'you' is your strongest asset. Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you are shunned by those you love, perhaps they didn't love you in the way you wanted. Don't blame them, but look for those who will respect your sobriety as much as they 'get happy' alongside you.

-With regards to party-specfic addictions: here's a few tips:

-Sleep is your best recovery tool. 
-Hydration: whether its good old tap water or electrolyte infused liquids are mandatory
-If you haven't been eating: salads are easy on the system: however, try to keep healthy 'small plates' around: nuts, veggies..CLIF bars.
-Epsom salt baths post-play are great to draw toxins from your body. A hot bath relaxes one too.
-Don't beat yourself up if you over do. But try to learn the lesson for next time.
-Remember no one is perfect. Be kind to others when on cam in particular, or one night you'll find perhaps no one wants to talk to you. It's a small world.

and merrily we march on...

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