Monday, February 6, 2012

And He Seemed So Well Adjusted

This, from a website I happened upon:

'Crystal Meth side effects include behavioral problems, paranoia, and psychosis. These problems are experienced most often by users who have a predisposition to mental illness. The user's mood can become unpredictable. Mood swings, suspicion, anger, and depression are frequent side effects for those who abuse the drug regularly. Their relationships and general social interactions are negatively affected as well.'

Trust me, I don't feel any more relieved at that 'predisposition to mental illness' phrase above.

I was on Skype with a handsome, fun guy I've not cammed with that often, because he doesn't cam regularly, and I've reduced my on-air time.

And things were moving along spinningly, when all of a sudden he goes into this monologue about how his computer had been hacked by previous playpals and...well it's a familiar plot device for many of us.

And, I being the dumb cluck I am, spent 2 hours after this trying to a) talk him down out of the tree he was in and b) walk him through his computer to show him the problem was NOT with his set.

And finally, I had to close the call. I felt like I was stuck in a loop.

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