Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Atlantis, Lemuria, Drums PA?

My delivery--food that is--- had arrived when last I blogged.

That cheeseburger was hot, thick and tasty and so was the man who brought it to me. Breakfast the following morning: scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes, yogurt, a gallon of milk and a quart of iced tea also was quite possibly the best conversation I've had in many moons.
No one seems to understand that for me, conversation and the need to feel like my presence is valued is the Holy Grail for me. Sex is great, but not when I'm regarded as an appliance. And that's all I'm going to say on the subject. Oh, other than I learned Aloe Vera Juice, which you can buy in bottles at a grocery store, and when mixed with something palatable like orange, cranberry or pomegranate juice, is a great recovery drink. Then, there are those who disagree.

It's been awhile since I looked for a site that has a lot of helpful or at least, information that makes you think. There are many fine sites out there. Today I just wanted to focus on one category and I found it by going to the self-named 'Anti-Meth' site: It's listed on this page as well. I am still trying to learn what KCI stands for: the website owner is in a small town called Drums, Pennsylvania and was created by a man named Darrell.

I can't fault anyone having an opinion, and some of the words used on KCI are a bit dramatic. But no more so than a 'pro-meth' site would be with the 'Fuck yeah' mantra.  But, you want to know the nitty gritty of how meth is made, how much it costs per average, and what best practices people used to manage their habit or quit altogether? It's there.  There's even a chat room don't be getting any 'Occupy' ideas. Be nice. It's hard to tell how active the site is..some of the messages in the forums were last posted in 2008.

And I stumbled upon a blog...very well written but the last post was in December 2010. It's called 'Tweekerland' , written by a former meth user named 'Penelope'. I suggest you peruse it. You'll find addiction is never black or white, but 10,000 shades of grey. You already knew that, of course. But it helps to see it through another life.

At times I feel like an explorer happening upon a civilization that was wiped know, like in Forbidden Planet. Or that I'm toggling between parallel time bands.

A world of contradictions. A world of gray. It's just all so confusing at times. So very damn confusing.

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