About This Blog

"I sent my soul through the invisible, some letters of that after-life to spell, and by and by my soul did return, and answered, 'I myself am Heaven and Hell.'"

used by Oscar Wilde in The Picture of Dorian Grey;  Source material The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam  as translated from the ancient Persian by Edward FitzGerald

Heaven. Hell. Mysticism. Magick. Subtext. Hedonism.

Addictions can be wise teachers or cruel and taunting taskmasters. We all are addicts to something: Starbucks Coffee, Page Six of the New York Post, cigarettes, gambling, shopping, alcohol, prescription pain killers and 'illegal' drugs; which are 'illegal' because they are not 'legal'.

This blog condones making educated and informed decisions. This is not a forum to debate the legal issues about drug or alcohol use, the decisions people make to use, not use or abuse. It is also not whether FitzGerald translated quatrain 53 correctly or what Oscar Wilde would say if he learned Johnny Depp was going to portray him in a movie directed by Tim Burton.

Imagine if you will, a parallel dimension where time moves differently, accessed via the portals of the world wide web could be a 'safe' place for men to commune, banter and act out various tribal, fraternal and other rituals that make them wiser, focused on the greater community's survival and perhaps a little enhanced with special powers lost long ago.

Sounds crazy? No one would dare step thru that rip in the space time continuum, if it were to exist.

But you might if you were relaxed, or less inhibited or so full of confidence you boldly and blindly rush through and there you are. Aided, or fooled by a synthetic recreation of a long lost natural resource. The sacred crystals associated with the lost worlds of Lemuria and of Atlantis.

A magical and merciless if misused powder, or powders and related liquids and tablets. An Alchemist's dream...or nightmare, if you remember The Sorcerer's Apprentice.
Inhaled, injected, imbibed or ingested. The Jefferson Airplane song wasn't all regurgitated Lewis Carroll verse.

Ponder those thoughts, for they are nothing more than a storyteller's way of engaging you.

Let's join the party, meet these brave, stouthearted and lusty men in a sexually focused, chemically fueled Cafe Society in Cyberspace. I am your trusted scribe. TopmanCA.  And you can check out any time you like. That CA is for California, where I live, dream, and try to make sense of a world where the rules are as fluid as the passage of time.

 "The characters and incidents portrayed and the names used herein are fictitious and/are presented in a dramatic format to emphasize themes. Any resemblance to the names, character, or history of any person is coincidental and unintentional."

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