Monday, October 29, 2012

Advice to a Reader

I'm not quite sure how I became known as the person who has all the answers and while I don't, I replied to an email from a twenty-something and I wanted to share it. It's been edited for general reading. Interestingly, I think it may be as much a letter to myself as it was to him. 

Thank you for writing. In my opinion, Mormons are trendy because of that Broadway musical and Mr. Romney and by virtue of putting Utah as your immediately get labeled a Mormon whether you are or not. However, this infatuation will pass and people will move forward. Ride the wave but when you sense it's time to dye your hair black, paint your body blue and take up yoga because Krishna is the new Brigham Young, do so.

It sounded like the job you were going for depended on erasing your adult site info quickly.  Then less than a day later, the job isn't happening. and I'm sorry you weren't given a job offer. You stepped up to the plate and those that do often find they're rewarded, simply by stepping up. Don't knock Disney too much....they pay well...think of it as taking their money and 'funding' your passions, like any artist. 

I suggested you do an internet search because Googling ‘your’ screen name brings up quite a bit of interesting images and links.  BTW, Is that really a pumpkin?
I'm not saying this to freak you out and reviewing my suggestions doesn't require immediate action.  What you do or don't is your decision alone. The great thing about growing older is that I can see how you and your generation respond and react to life. It’s very different than when I was 25 but those were different times.  (That 'different time' sounds as dorky as when I was 25 and heard it from some older man). 
My point is that you won't truly 'get what I'm saying' at all: you may not care, but at the least I hope you may be intrigued. And one day it will make sense. And no amount of living fast and furious can change that.

The following are concepts I strive to master. They aren't original. They aren't specifically speaking to you or me, but if you familiarize yourself with them now, you'll be that much farther ahead of the game. 
You seem like a bright guy. And you're cute and outgoing. Continue to ask questions; challenge authority and remember it's always easier to ask forgiveness than it is…to ask permission.

-There is no 'good' nor 'bad'. There are actions and consequences of those actions.

-Be wild and free. Life will get in the way eventually and you won't be as willing to take chances, but don't go overboard and become too constrained. It's that balance that teaches us to appreciate the good times when they are here and to soldier through the tougher times.

-Have no regrets. The choices you make today reflect you, at this moment and nothing more.  It's easy to look back ten years and go 'that wasn't very smart.' Monday-morning-quarterbacking is useful only to sports writers on a Sunday night deadline.

-Follow your heart. It will get broken a few times, but you'll not have compromised it for doing 'the right thing'. Doing the right thing often leads to boredom and living life vicariously through others.

Know that in cyberspace, your kindness, even if nothing more than a hello, can make someone's day.  And cruelty can destroy the last bit of hope for another. Be kind.

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