Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Death, Take a Holiday!

It seems like a never ending stream of departures to the afterlife these days, with enough celebrities to fill three seasons of  "The Love Boat" should it set sail down the River Styx.

Even back during 1985-89, when AIDS and HIV wiped out a generation of men I looked on as mentors, I don't recall so many people dying so quickly. Or is it the internet that makes everything seem so much quicker.

I sit at my desk in Los Angeles, looking east. My cats are asleep on the floor: the sun is shining only the way it can above the Hollywood Hill. I am alive, yet I feel so very numb. I reflect on the latest three deaths in my life. Oddly, each of their names started with 'S'.

Sean was a big bear of a man in Vancouver, who loved to play with his model helicopters. He was the kind of person you could just sit quietly with, doing your own thing, yet be content in his presence without having to say a word.

Sylvester was a fan of my writing, and a provocative and gifted artist, but he carried the cross of bi-polar disorder and other challenges. He also played the piano beautifully.

Saul was an accomplished drummer, a captivating personality with a childlike wonder about him...that could become a kaleidoscope of conflicting emotions.

I feel it is my duty to tell you that I will miss these men, who not so very long ago, I would joke, debate, argue and interact with. Once upon a time they caroused and charmed in a world I called Cyber-Cafe Society. I am saddened to know they are gone, and yet I am not surprised.

I don't think much will surprise me ever again.

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