Thursday, August 2, 2012


The below is a pared down version of an email I wrote to a friend on Facebook.

I signed up for Facebook to keep up with people and generally relax and have a good time. I have over 300 'likes' and I don't go back and review to see what's politically correct. I've eaten at Chik-Fil-A since high school, liked their food, commend them for closing Sundays: not for religious reasons but because it demonstrates that a service industry business can shut down for a day and still be profitable. I was following their corporate donations as that story developed and had not been eating there...not in response to their actions (at that time) but because I hadn't walked over that way. I'm disappointed in their loud mouth owner but I do respect his right to free speech. 

I don't appreciate you getting my name from whatever site, group or fucking witch hunt 'Bigotry on a Biscuit' is, and publicly shaming me on your page without a) calling my attention to the fact that I had liked them, asking me why, and perhaps educating me if I didn't know. I also lost out on a job from an editor who also went off on me--but who is also involved heavily in fundraising for the Catholic Church: I'm not quite sure where she gets to be right and I am wrong. In my opinion, CFA is the whipping post of the moment, just like Target and Best Buy were last year. 
Then, before I could craft a reply to you (I first went through my 'likes' page and 'unliked' CFA) you pulled your post. And now you don't remember why I could be upset. I guess I'm the only one on your list who either paid attention or overreacts. My FB account is set up to forward stuff to my email: your wall post came through before you deleted it.  

I've grown very weary of a world where George W. Bush's 'Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists' has drilled down to the individual level. 

I think education and a little fact finding first has long term benefits. Share that with your immature and hateful friend *************whose writing hand I'd like to scrub with soap...if he remembers what he wrote that is.

If I'm pushed into a 'you are with us or against us' situation: I'll choose to opt out, as I am now. 

I sat across from Chik-Fil-A and watched both gay rights demonstrators and supporters of the fast food chain's owner peacefully try to out-scream each other. I thought of all the suffering in the world, the people who would go to bed hungry, wishing they had a chicken sandwich, or a piece of bread. I looked at this well-heeled crowd and thought:

Is that all that matters in the world? The views of the owner of a chicken sandwich joint?
I never felt so detached from life than at that moment.

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