Thursday, March 15, 2012

Palm Springs Weekend

Their flight arrived on time, and they made excellent time up to my place at the base of the hills. I barely had time to finish cleaning my apartment, reject almost every item of clothing in my closet...WHY didn't I buy something, anything NEW? before, knock knock, they were here.

They were dressed like Midwestern tourists on vacation: shorts and tee shirts. I was in Ralph Lauren. Mr. Nice Guy was nice, and Woodsy was beaming. He should: here's two cute guys both nuts about him. But he only had eyes for Norman.

Then, my business partner, who I expected to come by later, came by earlier with some paperwork for me to sign. He's straight, and has had the misfortune to listen to me whine about Woodsy for two years now. He was in and out in half an hour. Next, the lovely musician who sublets my guest room arrived home, and the  travelers went down the street to their hotel for the night.

Oh yes, there had been much fuss made about a three-way, but Hell would freeze over before I would make that mistake.  What I needed was a 'George'. Rupert Everett's character to Julia Roberts' in My Best Friend's Wedding, but no George appeared to help me.

We had a delicious supper…I devoured the first steak I've had in years. And a Cosmopolitan. And a tossed salad. It was yummy, and my choice of restaurant (old school hollywood)was a hit.
They dropped me off at home, and would be heading to Palm Springs the next morning. It had become quite the anticlimactic showdown.

I went upstairs and straight to bed. I wasn't sad, numb or relieved. I simply 'was'.

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