Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Few Facts About Methamphetamines

It's been awhile since I relayed some good information on harm reduction: I found this worth my reading time, and I suggest you bookmark it for later or take a few minutes to review.

These are some factors that determine how long it takes for your system to be clean.

Amount Ingested 
The more of the drug you ingest, the longer it takes your body to get rid of it. 

Frequency of Use 

Continued use over a period of time or using more often increases your intake amount, this slows down the time it takes for your body to process it out. 

Tolerance Levels 

If you're using meth every day, it will accumulate in your body. Over time, it will take longer for your system to release it. Heavy meth addicts have the longest detection time on drug tests. 

Metabolism Rate 

Your metabolism is what processes everything that comes into your body. Some people will metabolize the drug from their system faster than others do. Your metabolism rate depends on many factors such as your body size, age and health, as well as water and food intake. 

Body Mass 

The bigger you are, the longer it takes for the drug to get out of your system. How long it takes meth to clear they system for each exact body size is still undetermined. 


Your age affects many bodily functions such as your metabolism rate and its ability to release toxins, such as methamphetamine quickly from your body. 


If you're in good physical health, your bodily functions probably are too and can quickly process toxins. If you are in poor health, it may take longer for your body to recognize the toxins and then clear them from your body. 

Method of Use 

The way that you ingest meth also has to do with how long your body holds on to it. If you inject it, it goes straight into your bloodstream; this gives you the fastest high. It may give you lesser processing time to get out your system. When the drug is smoked or swallowed, it takes a longer time to enter your bloodstream; this will add time to how long the meth stays in your system. 

Now the cleansing process
Depending on how much fluid and how fast your body excretes it will determine how long it stays in your system. Methamphetamine is "water soluble" and so the more water you drink and the more you urinate and sweat the faster it is out of your system. Drink lots of cranberry juice and lots of water also take antioxidants.

Body odor and the smell of meth coming out of your system
This is due to a couple of factors or situations but the same prevention can be taken. When a person uses meth for an extended amount of time usually they do not take care of their health very well especially since eating is no longer a normal part of life nor is sleep. Lack of nutrition and fatigue play a major part in your body odor, your body will start to pump out the toxins through your skin which at times smell anywhere from ammonia, metallic, chlorine, onions and various other disagreeable scents.

Precautions to minimize body odor and aid your bodies general health.
There are quite a few things that meth hammers in your body that should be addressed but I'll cover just a few quickly to address the odor issue. Take multivitamins while you are using, and take additional amounts of Vitamins B-Complex (bad breath) and B-12 (body odor).

Also buy mouthwash that is specifically formulated for "Dry Mouth" it will state this on the label, follow the directions (1 minute 2 times a day shouldn't be hard). These mouth washes are formulated for individuals who in fact suffer from dry mouth or take medications that cause dry mouth which is constantly labeled as "Meth Mouth" by the media, when in fact there are over 1000 prescription and OTC medications that cause the same condition that meth does by stopping the production of saliva.

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