Monday, September 17, 2012

In humble gratitude

I took a couple of weeks off from blogging, as you see. The first of August saw one death notice after another: Charon's ferry finally filled up, for fatalities have been few. The end of August coincided with two previously very committed freelance gigs that failed to happen: thus putting me in the worst financial bind since....this time last year. September just is not a good month for me financially. I'm disappointed in myself for assuming both clients were as good as their word: pun not intended. One is a fellow writer, newly single, from my home state, who tends to forget he is a 'fellow writer' and isn't the only person who can diagram a sentence, conjugate a verb for pay and wasn't weaned on cuneiform while the rest of us had Fisher-Price alphabet blocks.

So what does that bit o' bitchin' have to do with the blog title?

My life could be a lot worse. I have a place that I call home with a bed to sleep in, clean clothes to wear, and a refrigerator stocked with food, milk, and Dr. Pepper. I never have all the money that I want, then again, I've always seem to have some in my wallet, a bit in the bank and some loose change. According to a survey that makes me in the 8% of the world's wealthiest.

I am typing this to you on a laptop powered by wireless technology: something 35% of American homes don't have. 40% don't have a home computer. Having internet access allows me to blog and to keep up with my cyberfriends around the world. It also facilitates income for me: training people how to be online safer, smarter,and more secure than before; serving as a platform administrator for adult social networks, or offering advice based on how I see a situation. I've been the recipient of some well-needed advice as well. Not all of it taken...despite all attempts to the contrary.

With regards to my problemas sentimentales: well, I've linked to alot of corny songs; I've made some bad rhymes: and a few questionable choices. But I'd do no differently given a chance to change the past. No sir. I've acted out my love affairs on pages; with ten thousand people reading.  Amy Winehouse and Whitney Houston have covered it, but The Carpenters still deliver it the best.

I am one very grateful topman.

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