Saturday, May 12, 2012

Private Lives (or so you thought)

This came up in conversation today, yet it's information worth repeating and repeating

If you want an eye opener stronger than a shot of iced vodka at 5AM, do this:

Go into your browser of choice and make sure your 'safe search' filter is turned off.

Then, using all the major search engines (Google, Safari, Bing, Yahoo etc) you can find, type your screenname, hit enter and take a deep breath.

Do this for all categories: in Google Search for example, look at 'everything', 'images' and 'videos'.

You might be surprised at what readily is presented that you may not have known was there.

Forgotten websites you joined but never closed the account out or thought you did. If you've used multiple screen names, now's when you have to remember what they were and check those too. (and consider using one name going forward: its called 'branding': it's easier to monitor and it's the way of the future.

Member of If so, you know it's a multilingual site, meaning your screen name and subsequent profile info will show up on a search in each distinct language. It is a small world, after all.

Now is the time to take a hard look at how many sites you are registered vs how many you actually use. I trimmed away 20 , and I continue to whittle more away.


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