Monday, October 31, 2011

One One One One One One

This Halloween morning, I'm all mystical, mysterious and most new age-y

11-1-11 is 1 day away
11-11-11 is 11 days away. 

I'm not sure what I think about this set of numbers.

Everyone in my wide network of party goers is feeling more or less like this: We are in some sort of alternate universe, and can't seem to get back up the rabbit hole. We're bored with the cyber party scene, feel lost, adrift and powerless. We aren't upset to the point of drastic measures...but riding the waves and going with, not against the current.

All I remember about New Years 2011 was that I was stood up by my date. That's nothing more than what it is, a memory, pretty much forgotten.

I don't have anything noted as unusual about this day either. Again, this suggests a specific sequence.

Signs, signs.....and that old black magic

I wonder....
What's coming down the pike. I don't feel doomsday-ish. I'm feeling optimistic. If anything I hope that 'we', my beloved brothers in arms, are on an express to greater insight, less frustration, deeper understanding and that this will allow us to help others.

It's really about the Power of One, isn't it? 

I guess we'll discuss this in 11 days, how's that?

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