Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Plus Life

That's right: it's time again for THE TEN COMMANDMENTS to play on American television. Passover begins at sundown on Good Friday, (April 6 for you no-goods out there) which means that Easter follows on Sunday.

I've had a series of men who for whatever reason or another have partners or family who they need to keep certain facts hush hush. I respect that...but you can only compartmentalize sooo much before it bites you in the ass.

On the assumption that many of will get some type of holiday time off from work this week, I have a little homework for you. That is, if you have a gmail account from the goo-goo-goo people at Google. The rest of you are on your own, but you might want to follow along, because somehow you'll be affected by this.

As you may have heard, Google streamlined all their various services to make your lives easier to check up on. Gmail, You Tube, Picasa, why even my host here Blogger, are all Google enterprises. I'm not going to go back and rehash what you shoulda shoulda done (clear out old history, double check what screen names you used) before everything was kinda rolled together. Nope.

Google is trying to keep pace with Facebook, and thus introduced 'Google +' , which features 'circles' = family, friends, acquaintances, you name it. In fact, you CAN name it by creating your own circle.

I decided what the hey, I'd give Google + a try.  Well, like Facebook, or Linked In or any other Social Network worth its salt, Google + combs through your online address books, who knows how else they snoop, I'm here writing about it for crying out loud.

Suddenly, I had a list of gmail addresses of people I didn't really remember talking to, but I guess I did. Even better, I could click on their name and get their real name, what other Google sites they used (assuming they checked the appropriate (or inappropriate) box).

So, after a couple of hours of deleting, reviewing and revising, I'm feeling pretty good about my privacy on Google.

Perhaps you should do the same. Otherwise it won't take a palm reader to predict your less than private future. And this ain't no April Fools Day joke.