Sunday, July 1, 2012

Isn't "Road to Recovery" A Bing Crosby Movie?

There were six 'Road' movies and are a picnic of classic movie making. The seventh: The Road to Hong Kong, is like ants at that picnic. Legend has it Bing Crosby (59) felt Joan Collins(28) was a better pick for a chick than talented Dorothy Lamour (48). Bob Hope refused to do the film until Lamour was hired, and she appears at the end of the film. 
The script for an eighth film, The Road to the Fountain of Youth had been completed when Bing died of a heart attack. You can all read into the irony with a title like that.

Some roads don't always lead to exotic lands or fountains of youth.  Some people find themselves on a road and want to change lanes,  change directions, or look for the next exit. It's always about choices, and you don't have to tell this Libra how hard it is to do that. I struggle with what road to take everyday, maybe you do too.

I received a donations request a few weeks back from fellow writer and friend Sam who is on his 'Road to Recovery'. I can tell you the request was sincere. The organization he chose, Reunion, is a legitimate, respected treatment center in San Diego.

Perhaps you can contribute. Perhaps you want to learn more about 'recovery'. Perhaps you lost a friend or family member and the cause was attributed to--or a direct result of-an addiction.

This link will take you to "The Road to Recovery" which is Sam's personal request for donations via a third party fundraising site.


I encourage people to follow their dreams and travel new roads. I respect those who are on a tough road, and choose to change lanes. Finding help to support that change isn't easy either: it's another road, another journey.

By the way, when asked by an aspiring actor how to get into Hollywood, wise and wry Bette Davis replied: "Take Fountain"
(Fountain Avenue is an east/west road between Sunset and La Cienega Boulevards, and considered a quicker route into the Hollywood area)

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