Monday, March 14, 2011

On the Fence of Abstinence

Originally posted 3/14/2011 on another site in a different format

I felt not unlike I was in that old movie Grand Hotel...the one with Garbo 'wanting to be alone'. Let me just say, come Friday night: I felt Garbo's pain. I had a real-time situation comedy/thriller/mistaken identity/runaway groom/sociopath story unfold before me.
My guests, uninvited guests and guest stars included: a doctor, nurse, an airline pilot turned telecommunications expert, a director, a newspaper man, a boot lover, a former trick, a houseboy, his boss, my crazy cousin, a waiter and my neighbors across the driveway: whom for 17 years never gave me much thought, but thanks to recent events, now host tailgate parties on their balconies at sundown.

It was also Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. One might think it's time to reduce the drama, go within and not have my apartment known as the Hollywood Hilton A-Go-Go.

And you: gentle reader. Are you taking a break these next 40 days? The next 30? This next week? Break means a break. Not a scary end. It might mean a rest off the treadmill.

All breaks are good. Do not feel bad because you stopped for a week, and your buddy went two weeks. If you go on holiday, let people on your fave sites know you've gone, either by a profile change, emails...I for one worry if I don't see you around for an extended period.

In the interim, educate yourself. Here are three links I found interesting, though I have not read through them yet. I do not recommend these as accurate, false nor do I guarantee any statements presented as facts. I thought them good sites to visit.

BLUELIGHT is a forum for all types of discussions regarding all sorts of things. I appreciate their statement they have posted:  "Bluelight is monitored by various agencies". Think about that when next you post on Craigslist or Nasty Kink Pigs' pig board w/a phone number whining for illegal substances or situations  It's so unbelievable that people would do that: they must think we're all a  bunch of practical jokers.

Erowid is another resource I liked. I've uh..randomly selected the link to 'speed'. You'll get the myth, the mystique and the mistakes than can be made with meth.  Even a history. No mention of Hitler or Satan though. The Japanese in 1919 cooked up this concoction. Personally I'm more thankful for sushi. There is a great mantra at the end: Control drugs. Don't let them control you.

And last but not least (and if I find more links I will post them) The is like a Webster's Dictionary but not such complex reading that you need a medical license. It's user friendly with pictorials. Imagine if you ever went on Jeopardy! and the category was 'PNP'?  Brush up on your rush and be prepared.

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